
Monstera Deliciosa Care Guide

Ah, my dear friend, welcome to the world of plant wisdom! Today, we embark on a journey into the heart of greenery, where the Monstera Deliciosa, a true master of elegance, awaits your tender care. As Mr. Miyagi once said, "A happy plant brings balance to life."


1. The Dance of Light:

Give the monstera deliciosa the gift of bright, indirect sunlight. A touch of morning sun is okay, but shield it from the blazing afternoon heat. Remember, my friends, too much sun can leave scars on its tender leaves.

Also, you can add grow lights to your space and your monstera will grow consistently throughout the year.

TIP: use outdoor screens or indoor curtains to filter the sunlight. You want to keep direct sunlight from your plant as much as possible. 2 to 3 hours of morning sunlight is ok.

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2. Temperature & Humidity Harmony:

Maintain a cozy temperature between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Also, shield it from drafts and sudden chills, just as you would shield yourself from life's harsh winds.

Also, If you place your plant outside, be mindful of the temperature. When the heat of summer goes beyond 80°F or Winter comes below 50°F, it is better to bring your plants inside. Or find a way to shield them from these extreme temperatures.

Monsteras enjoys the higher humidity. You can increase the humidity with a humidifier or misting the leaves of your plant. 


3. Watering:

Listen to the soil's whispers, and water when the top 1-2 inches have dried out. Avoid drowning your friend; overwatering leads to root rot. Let it breathe.

In winter, as life slows, water less. During summer, be sure to check if your plant needs extra hydration.

Use room-temperature water and let not your Monstera stand in stagnant pools.


4. Soil Secrets:

Nurture your Monstera with well-draining soil, enriched with organic goodness. Our preferred mix is:

  • Coco or Peat moss
  • Coco Chips
  • Perlite
  • Orchid Bark
  • OPTIONAL: you add Charcoal, Pon, or Leca to increase aeration and nutrient absorption. Just make sure to follow the package instructions as these are additives to your soil. 

Repot every 1-2 years, for a fresh beginning in the spring.


5. Fertilize with Love:

During the seasons of growth, spring and summer, offer balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. For houseplants, look for a balanced fertilizer. For instance, 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. In the quiet winter, let it rest. No need for extras, it just needs fresh water.


6. Embrace the Support:

As your Monstera matures, it dances with gravity, flaunting its grand, split leaves. Offer it support with a moss pole or trellis, encouraging it to reach for the heavens. The older your monstera becomes, the larger the leaves will get.

Plus, the sign of a healthy mature monstera plant will show as more fenestrations appear on the leaves (Fenestrations are the holes and stripes on the leaves).


7. Pruning & Propagating:

Don't be afraid! Trim away the burdens of life; yellow or brown leaves, leggy growth. Pruning brings balance. And from those cuttings, new life may spring forth.

To prune down your Monstera Deliciosa, allow it to grow at least 5+ leaves. This way the plant is at least established. Then, cut from the top below the areal root located right below the leaf node. From this point you have 3 choices:
  • Choice #1: place the cutting in water until secondary roots have formed. Using this method, you have to make sure to change the water every 3 to 5 days to ensure strong root formation.
  • Choice #2: Remove the leaf (yes! strip the leaf from the stem) and leave the tuber or stem cutting. Add it to an airtight container with Sphagnum moss, perlite, and spray water on top. Leave the cutting there for about 30-60 days or until you see the first leaves emerge and harden.
  • Choice #3: Plant the cutting directly onto a pot with soil. This is the slowest way to propagate because the plant will need to fill the pot with roots before producing a sizeable leaf. So, it could be frustrating to propagate your monstera deliciosa this way. But, when the leaf emerges, it will be well worth it.

PRO TIP: Use rooting hormone to encourage your cuttings to develop new roots, and ground cinnamon to help the main plant heal from the cut.


8. Pest Vigilance:

Guard against the invaders, the spider mites, and mealybugs. Neem oil or insecticidal soap shall be your allies. Remember, a well-watered plant with good airflow stands strong against the dark forces of fungus.



9. Repotting Renewal:

When your Monstera outgrows its dwelling, grant it a new home, 1-2 inches wider in diameter. Gently untangle its roots during this transition to aid in its growth. However, Monsteras enjoy taking over the space, so don't transfer her too quickly.


In the art of Monstera care, patience is your greatest teacher. Like the ancient bonsai, your Monstera Deliciosa shall grow slowly, but oh, the beauty it shall bring to your indoor haven. Remember, my friend, the care you give to your Monstera is a reflection of the balance you bring to your life.

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